For many of you, the “school year” (as it was) is winding down. However, you aren’t sure what the fall will bring. Will you be in the classroom? Will you be teaching remotely again? Will you be doing a combination of both? It makes it difficult to plan. One possible strategy is utilizing as many online sources as possible that can be introduced fairly simply in the classroom, makes great class assignments, can be utilized as independent learning tools, and be ready at a notice to be utilized for home learning. Enter Boom Learning℠, which is utilized with Boom Cards™.
Boom Cards™ are literally decks of interactive cards that can be assigned either through student IDs or through a process called Fast Play. With Fast Play, students can work in groups or you can use an interactive board. You do not need a paid account to access Fast Play. However, you cannot collect student data. With one of the paid programs on Boom Learning℠, you can collect student data, assign cards to a whole class, or assign cards to an individual. The most expensive program is $35 a year, so it is not prohibitively expensive. With the increased call for digital learning, it is very possible your district will pay for it.
Teachers can create their own cards, or they can purchase cards through the store, using points, which are about a penny apiece. Cards are also sold on Teachers Pay Teachers. The activities vary. There are regular select the correct answer, click and drag, and fill in the blank. Sound clips can be embedded, and cards can link to other cards in the deck for games such as escape rooms. There are quite a few free decks you can use to test them out.
I know, when you are introduced to a new digital concept, it can be a little nerve-wracking. I made a short, check-it-out basics tutorial to help you visualize how the cards work a little better.
If you would like to try out a free set of Boom Cards™ for yourself, you can try this set: treble clef pitches on the staff. Here is a preview:
I will admit: I am growing my Boom Cards™ “inventory” in my store and in the Boom Learning℠ store. I am very addicted, however. I wish I had investigated these before I retired! You can go to Teachers Pay Teachers, look up Boom Cards™, and click on “Music” to discover what is out there.
Click here to go to my store, and then click on the “Boom Card” category., where you can find cards related to pitches on the staff..Coming within a week: Instruments of the Orchestra Escape Room, Forbidden Rhythm, and activities to go with various folk songs. Keep your eyes open to my Facebook page, Instagram, or Twitter for product updates.
Until the next blog post: Stay safe. Relax. Treat yourself well. Learn a new instrument. And remember not to stress. You’ll be fine.